Drop file here


File Uploaded:

Process File

Note: Only .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png formats allowed to a max size of 5 MB.


Images come in a range of sizes, file types and formats so from time to time you're going to need to make them smaller. Whether you're looking to save file size for just make your image better fit the space on a page, DO Digitel can help you with our free image resizer. So if you're looking to resize a JPG, optimise a GIF or perfect a PNG our free image resizing tool can help.

If you need to change the format of an image from one type to another, for example turn a JPG into a WEBP, then be sure to check out our image type converter which will let you do judt that!

Why You Need an Online Image Resizer

Whether you're a design pro or just starting out, making sure the images you use on your website are the right size, both in terms of dimensions and file size, is really important. Images which are too large can cause web pages to load slowly, something which is a key consideration for Google when it comes to deciding how to rank websites in SEO and adjusting how much you pay for your PPC ads.

As we mention in our "3 Easy Ways to Improve Your SEO" piece, image size is one of the quickest and easiest things you can do to improve load time, ranking in SEO and sales through your website.

How to Resize an Image

Using our free image resizing tool is easy, just save the image you need to resize, then drag and drop it into the grey box. Hit process and you'll be given the option to resize your image to a specific dimension or to a pre determined width. Once you're happy with the width and height you've chosen, hit resize and download your processed image.

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